Though the Priestess works in mysterious ways, she's smart enough to have a good organization on the ground. It's nice to have clerics and paladins who can touch the powers of the divine, but those are specialized resources can't help everyone. Plenty of people have faith in the Goddess even if they don't have the whiz-bang ability to seal bleeding wounds with glowing hands. Those who have faith if not power join the Patchwork Friars.
The Friars get their name from their hand-sewn robes. Those who enter her service as friars show this by wearing coats of many colors. The tradition is the coat is made from a scrap of fabric from each family in the community, given to the Friar to stitch together during a period of meditation and sanctification. Richer parishes feature lavish coats stitched together by seamstresses. The Friar should be able to tell a story about each patch on the robe and use it to spin some homey wisdom about the Gods of Light.
The Priestess restricts a few colors. Besides the unfortunate associations with the Puritan, white is restricted to those followers of the Goddess who do have the touch of divine power. A Friar may incorporate white into a design if they are gifted with divine power or if they encounter someone who does. A white patch over a rip caused by a spear hit fighting along side a paladin is perfectly acceptable. Gold is frowned upon too, both for its connection to the Great Gold Wyrm and it's financial connotations.
Friar Dar serves as the Friar for the lands of Harker's Keep. He was one of the few to stand up to the excesses of Abbadon Company and only his faith in his Goddess kept him from bleeding out on a chapel's floor. Now he organizes the resistance efforts, while the Dragon Squires rub elbows with the big players in the area.